- The Health & Wellness Concierge for English speakers in Japan - has teamed up with DeepJapan to provide health and wellness information to the community.'s Advice List
What to do on a rainy day in Tokyo
Many who long for the summer to arrive here in Tokyo scorn the rainy days they must endure during June and into the beginning of July here in Japan. After thirty years in this country and more than my share of sweaty sleepless and humid summer nights, I actually have come to like the rainy days in…(328 words)
Tokyo Rainy Day Summer Japan Shopping Walk Odaiba HotelTop Five Most Purchased OTC Drugs by Visitors in Japan
HealthyTokyo surveyed three drugstores at the bustling Tokyo International Airport*, also known as Haneda Airport, to discover the consumer purchasing preferences of foreign visitors to Japan.We assumed that visitors from Asian countries would have different preferences from those from the West…(128 words)
Pharmacy OTC drugs HealthcareEnglish speaking doctors in Tokyo – Finding quality and bedside manner that meets your needs
Finding good English-speaking doctors in Tokyo is something that most of us require periodically, as we work and play in this vibrant and sometimes hectic city.There are some listings of doctors and hospitals available on the Internet and through embassies and other sources. However, what most …(161 words)
Tokyo English Doctor healthBirth control pills and other contraceptives in Japan – A basic guide
Why can’t I find many choices for oral contraceptives in Japan?Unlike many Western nations and some Asian countries as well where the use of birth control pills is a common choice for women, Japan still has a long way to go until it nears the same level, partially because of its late legalizati…(253 words)
The pill Birth control Family planningEnglish-speaking dentists in Japan
It has been rumored that there are more dental offices in Japan than convenience stores. A quick search reveals this to be true with about 67,000 dental facilities and “just” 54,000 convenience stores throughout the country. Amazing statistics when one considers how ubiquitous Family Mart, 7/11 and…(85 words)
English Dentists in Japan Doctor