Kendo’s guiding philosophy: The oneness of sword and heart

Author Avatar yukorose

Kendo is a traditional Japanese style of fencing that uses bamboo swords and protective armor. Although the techniques are fascinating, I am personally more drawn to its philosophy. Like many other Japanese martial arts like karate and judo, there’s a focus on personal growth–physically, mentally and spiritually.

Kendo’s guiding philosophy: The oneness of sword and heart
ID 337716612 © Jose Julio Millan Gutierrez |

A well-known phrase among Kendo practitioners is “kenshin ichinyo”.

“Ken” = Sword
“Shin” = Heart
“Ichinyo” = Oneness

The phrase suggests that proper training of one’s swordsmanship will simultaneously cultivate a righteous heart guided by integrity and honor. Harmony must exist between sword and heart because those two components guide each other.

What a beautiful spirit!