Miroku no Sato: A family-friendly retro paradise

Author Avatar Joy Jarman-Walsh

Located about 1.5 hours by train from downtown Hiroshima City, Miroku no Sato is a great destination for families and lovers of retro amusement parks.

Opened in 1989, Miroku no Sato remains the only amusement park in Hiroshima Prefecture (as of March 2024). There are tons of activities to keep you and your little ones giddy with excitement for hours, including 24 different attractions and an area where 42 life-size dinosaurs await. Magical illuminations during winter and grand pools in summer make it fun to visit in different seasons.

Miroku no Sato: A family-friendly retro paradise

One of the park’s highlights is “Itsuka Kita Michi”. Directly translated to “the path I once was”, this area beautifully replicates a nostalgic 1950s Japanese townscape. Everything from a retro candy shop called dagashiya and old-fashioned post office to a charming souvenir shop and film sets all decorated with vintage posters, it really feels like you’ve traveled back in time.

Miroku no Sato: A family-friendly retro paradise

To make the most out of your visit, opt for the Free Pass (around 3,500 yen per adult) that gets you unlimited use of most rides. Note that the price varies depending on the month of your visit, and there are discounts for those with disabilities. If you’re not so eager about the rides, you can simply pay for the entrance fee of about 1,200 yen per adult and explore the grounds (this ticket also gives you access to Itsuka Kita Michi).

Miroku no Sato: https://mirokunosato.com/

Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/YRYHUQeLH1N2EjyN7