Packed train survival guide: Japan edition

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Boarding a packed train in Japan might seem chaotic, but there are rules to keep things orderly. First, line up properly on the platform, following the signs to ensure safety. When the train arrives, step to the side to let passengers exit before boarding. Once inside, move as far into the train as possible.

In a crowded train, seating is ideal. If you stand, aim for a spot in front of a seat or between the rows of standing passengers. Avoid standing in front of the doors, as this area is the most crowded. However, the space between the doors and the corner seat is a great spot because you’re not in the way of people coming in and out of the train, while having the wall to lean on.

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Last but not least, remember basic manners. Only take as much space as you need, do not talk in loud voices, and refrain from eating (unless it’s a shinkansen bullet train). Now, you’re ready to navigate a packed Japanese train!

Learn more about train etiquette in Japan: