Kakigori shaved ice: Japan’s coolest summer secret

Author Avatar Emi Onishi

Summers in Japan are hot and humid, making it essential to find ways to stay cool. One of the most refreshing—and delicious—ways to do so is with kakigori, Japan’s beloved shaved ice dessert.

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Dating back to the Heian Period (794 – 1185), kakigori was once a luxury reserved for the elite, as ice had to be collected and stored in ice houses. Only the wealthy had access to this rare summer treat. But with the advent of refrigeration, kakigori became widely available and is now a staple of Japanese summers.

Kakigori comes in a variety of flavors and styles, ranging from simple festival stand versions—shaved ice drizzled with flavored syrup—to exquisite, fluffy creations served at specialty cafes. These high-end versions feature ultra-fine ice shavings, creating a light and airy texture that melts instantly in your mouth. Sweetened condensed milk is often added on top, which happens to be my favorite!

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A must-try is Uji-kintoki, a classic kakigori made with Uji matcha syrup (premium green tea from Uji City in Kyoto) and anko (sweet azuki beans). This traditional combination offers a deep, earthy sweetness and is especially popular at high-end tea houses.

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If you’re visiting Japan during the summer, kakigori is a must! It’s the perfect way to cool down and enjoy a taste of Japanese tradition.