Kyoto Station: A futuristic architectural masterpiece

Author AvatarEmiOnishi

If you only ever pass through the platforms of Kyoto Station, you’ll miss out on a chance to explore its impressive building. Constructed on the 1200th anniversary of the city’s founding, Kyoto Station is the second largest train station in Japan (after Nagoya).

If you wish to explore the building, head to the North Exit (Karasuma side). Here, you will find the grand atrium constructed with massive steel beams and shimmering glass. In contrast to the traditional image of Kyoto, this 15-storey structure is nothing short of futuristic. 

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One of my favorite features of the station is the Daikaidan or Grand Stairway, which connects the 4th floor to the beautiful open-air observation deck called Sky Garden on the 15th floor. 

If you have any questions about exploring Kyoto, visit the two English-friendly information centers on the 2nd and 9th floors. 

Kyoto Station:

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