Emergency preparedness: This rice could save your life

Author Avatar Emi Onishi

Japan is unfortunately prone to natural disasters, which means being prepared can make a world of a difference. 

Recently, I learned about an incredible emergency meal that uses quick-dried Alpha rice, which only requires water (hot or room temperature) to make edible. The pouch includes a disposable spoon for convenience and comes in a variety of flavors like curry, chicken, seaweed and more (halal and vegan options are available). 

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The only downside is that you need to wait about 20 minutes after pouring hot water and up to 60 minutes if it’s lukewarm. However, I was quite impressed by its delightful flavor when I got to taste one at a local NPO event spreading helpful information about what to do in emergency situations.

Given that its shelf life lasts 5 years, I definitely think it is a good idea to have a couple stocked in your pantry (not fun to think about potentially needing it, but it’s always better to be safe). 

Kanpan is another popular emergency food, which includes small biscuits (the ones sold in cans also have a shelf life of 5 years). In addition to the alpha rice, I would recommend this one too.  

Alpha rice: https://takebayashiwb.co.jp/en/product/detail/116#:~:text=%22Alpha%2Drice%22%20is%20ONIHSI’s,and%20have%20a%20haral%20certification.

Kanpan: https://kanpan.jp/