Tips– category –
My favorite jogging route in Yokohama
Footwear etiquette when entering a Japanese home
Looking for English books in Japan? Yurindo is a great option
Chopstick etiquette 101
Tips to getting help when you’re lost in Japan
The best time to visit Tokyo Skytree
Need a quick bite? Combini has got your back
A convenient meeting place in Shibuya–not just Hachiko!
Found a lost item in Japan? Here’s what to do
Daijoubu: A versatile Japanese word worth remembering
Navigating earthquakes in Japan: Safety tips for travelers
What to do in the event of a car accident in Japan
Renting a car in Japan: A convenient choice for exploring the countryside
Why do people bow at temples or shrines?
Calling for help in Japan: Remember 119
Japan travel tip for charging your devices
Which ATMs in Japan accept foreign cards?
How to publish books in Japan: A guide for aspiring authors
Overwhelmed by Japan’s numerous rules? Just stay calm and follow the locals
Handing money to the cashier? Use the small tray!
A basic guide to disposing garbage in Japan
Are taxis affordable in Japan?
How to handle rush hour on Japanese trains like a pro
How can I get prescription glasses or contacts in Japan?